July 27, 2022
Thoughts From Sunday
- From Pastor Felix
“So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.”
John 19:30 (NKJV)
John 19:30 (NKJV)
The cross was horrific. And the flogging, the crown of thorns, the spitting and beatings our Savior endured added to the horror. The writers of the old and new testaments didn’t hold back from describing what the Lord would go through. Words like “visage marred”, “pierced my hands and feet”, “crown of thorns”, “pierced His side”, “blood and water” give us an indication of the horrible death the Son of God submitted to.
And so it’s no surprise that the one disciple known as “the one Jesus loved”, would find words to describe the moment the Lord’s torment was over that are tender, gentle, careful, and easy to read. “He bowed His head and He gave up His Spirit.” After all, the perfect Lamb of God allowed His enemies to tear His body apart. There’s no need for those who love Him to speak of it as if it were a common death.
What is common about the Son of God dying? Can our death provide forgiveness of sins, payment for sin’s penalty, and cancelling the power of sin, death, darkness and the devil? Not a chance! His father in His ancestral line, King David couldn’t do it. David’s son, King Solomon wasn’t able, none of the Godly prophets could do it. Only the perfect Lamb of God, the uncommon One, sent from the Father could do it.
Maybe it’s me, but it would seem that the Son of Thunder, as John was called, found just the right way to break the news to a world that so desperately needs to hear it. ‘He gave up His spirit.” May our words and thoughts about the Lord be as tender and loving as John’s as we share the good news with a hurting, dying world.
I know I’ve shared this song before, but it’s a keeper and seems to fit the mood of the text.
With Christian Love,