Vacation Bible School
June 24-28
6 PM - 8:30 PM
Online Registration
Memory Verse

Mission: Deep Sea
Whether your kids have been attending church regularly or they’re brand new to the church scene, their faith is still very young. As a grown-up who’s been following Jesus for a while, you’ve probably figured out a few ways to grow spiritually. The kids you’re leading, on the other hand, aren’t grown-ups, so they might need a little help from you to figure out how, exactly, to grow spiritually. So, what should spiritual growth look like for a kid? We like to think about it in terms of four spiritual habits. To help a kid’s faith grow deeper, encourage them to spend time with God, spend time with others, use their gifts, and share their story.
Monday, June 24
At Mission: Day 1, kids hear about how even when everyone was afraid, Moses trusted God would rescue them at the Red Sea.

Moses and the Red Sea
Exodus 14
Exodus 14
Tuesday, June 25
At Mission: Day 2, kids hear about how Jesus
used a kid’s lunch of bread and fish to feed a huge crowd!
used a kid’s lunch of bread and fish to feed a huge crowd!

Jesus Feeds the Crowd
John 6:1-13
John 6:1-13
Wednesday, June 26
At Mission: Day 3, kids hear about the story of Jesus and what He did to save us.

Jesus and the Salvation Story
Philippians 2:5-11
Philippians 2:5-11
Thursday, June 27
At Mission: Day 4, kids hear about how, after a few detours, Jonah went to Nineveh to tell the people about God.

Jonah Goes to Nineveh
Jonah 1-3
Jonah 1-3
Friday, June 28
Family VBS begins at 6:30 PM
At Mission: Day 5, kids get to bring their family and show them what they learned all week!
At Mission: Day 5, kids get to bring their family and show them what they learned all week!